9.19 am...
study in the surau...
planning to complete the lab report and study a little bit about fluid mechanics..
wow!!!I haven't blogging for a long time..
maybe because of the internet connection in my campus...
anyway, i'm really stress bout the coming final exam, ielts and an assignment + lab report...
byk btol...SERABUT!!
ielts tu yg paling serabut sekali tuh...padahal english jer pown..
hmmm...so, when I couldn't concentrate on my studies...
I will:
Me:Mak!!!syg mak!!rindu mak!!!nak balik boleh???hehe...
Mak:NO!!concentrate on your study....no more playing!!
argh!!really tension...monologue:"org nak balik pown tak boleh..bile mase org maen..??nmpak kah??tension study nih!!"
neway, da nasib badan kan..
aiyo!!!friends!!!please pray for me and my friends who are going to further our studies in OZ and NZ...insyaallah..pray for us yea...
actually, there's a lot of tragedy and stories yang I nak share with you guys..tapi!!
keje blambak xsiap lg beb!!!
k la yer...daaaaaa...